How Do YOU Think About Food?
This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Mon 26th Feb-Sun 4th March 2018).
According to the official Beat Eating Disorders website, on average, someone experiencing an eating disorder will wait almost THREE years before seeking help. So they are asking the question, "Why Wait?" as their campaign this year.
That's a great question, but one that can't be answered easily. It could be a person's self-esteem, it may be they feel ashamed, it may even be that they don't think they have an issue.
I have treated clients who have eating disorders and each one varies.
So what IS an eating disorder?
I assume the first you think of are Bulimia and Anorexia; However, there are so many different sub-types of even THOSE disorders. Somebody who binge eats may do it for emotional reasons, someone suffering from low self-esteem may turn to an eating disorder for their confidence, somebody who is a 'fussy eater' may be that way for reasons unknown even to THEM.
Through Hypnotherapy, someone with an eating disorder can change the way they feel and think about food. Now, it may be many underlying issues that need dealing with separately, or it could be something that the unconscious mind knows how to fix there and then.
If you want to find out more about eating disorders, I highly recommend the Beat Eating Disorders website who have a dedicated helpline for both adults and youth.
To find out if Hypnotherapy can help YOU, click HERE.